Weißen­stadt Lake

Weissenstädter See

Weißen­stadt lake (50 ha) is the biggest lake in Fichtel­ge­birge. Because of its cent­ral loc­a­tion in the region, it is a pop­u­lar des­tiny for people of all ages.

Weißen­städter See am Abend

The arti­fi­cially dammed up lake is loc­ated by the upper reaches of the Eger. The Eger and Hirten­bach feed into the lake. An his­tor­ic­ally inter­est­ing fact is that the lake was restored dur­ing the year 1976 in exactly the same spot where once the Weißen­städter Stadt­wei­h­er (Weißen­stadt city lake) used to be up until 1820. The Weißen­städter Stadt­wei­h­er dried out because the dams were opened, cre­at­ing 200 plots of farm­land. The city bought back the land in the 70s and restored the lake once more, this time solely for recre­ation­al purposes.

The eas­ily access­ible lake is the per­fect place for relax­a­tion, rest­ing and vari­ous recre­ation­al activ­it­ies. The 4 km / 2.5 miles long trail right by the lake is one of the most pop­u­lar paths in Fichtel­ge­birge. Being han­di­capped access­ible and an easy, com­fort­able walk, the trail is fun for people of all ages.

Sail­ing and surf­ing are allowed in a ded­ic­ated zone marked as „Sportzone“. The big park­ing lot by the south­west­ern part of the lake is very con­veni­ent if you are plan­ning to vis­it. That’s also where the loc­al sail­ing club is loc­ated. The use of Motor­boats is forbidden.

Sit down on one of the count­less benches by the lake and enjoy the fant­ast­ic view of Großer Wald­stein and Schnee­berg, which is the highest moun­tain in north­ern Bavaria.

The resort park and oth­er sur­round­ing areas of the lake are per­fect for enjoy­ing the serene land­scape and the beau­ti­ful gran­ite steles.

In 2018 the qual­ity of bathing in the Weißen­stadt lake was once again rat­et „excel­lent“.

Auch im Jahr 2018 wurde die Badequalität unseres Weißenstädter Sees wieder mit "ausgezeichnet" bewertet!