

Camp­site “Stadtbad” Weißenstadt

17,000 square meter camp­site (open sum­mer and winter) right next to Weißen­stadt lake


The Weißen­stadt camp­site is loc­ated between the Fichtel­ge­birge nature reserve, Schnee­berg, Wald­stein, Rudolf­stein and Och­sen­kopf, right by Weißen­stadt lake. The camp­site includes more than 180 pitches. Two san­it­ary facil­it­ies are avail­able. The camp­site offers a res­taur­ant as well as a big hall. The res­taur­ant ist being remodeled at the moment and will reopen in early 2020.

Con­tact Inform­a­tion:
Alex­an­dra Lehretz-Pöl­lath
Bad­strasse 91
95163 Weis­sen­stadt
Tele­fon: +49 9253 288
mobil: +4916094757734


Recep­tion staffed daily.

The san­it­ary facil­ity (han­di­capped-access­ible) is equipped with indi­vidu­al shower cubicles, basins and sinks, all of which offer hot water.
Showers with hot water, wash­ing machines, dry­ers, drains for chem­ic­al toi­lets and power con­nec­tion for the cara­vans are all available.

The area is filled with pos­sib­il­it­ies when it comes to recre­ation and leis­ure. You can vis­it the Sieben­quell Spa or the pub­lic pool, go fish­ing, play ten­nis, go for a hike or a walk, ride a bike, try stand up pad­dling or rent a ped­al boat.

A new san­it­ary facil­ity can be found in the south­ern part of the camp­site. It is inten­ded for campers as well as tourists.

The Jähn fam­ily hopes you have an enjoy­able and relax­ing stay in Weißenstadt.

Camp­ing Fees for every star­ted 24 hours (depar­ture until 11:00 am)

Adults8,50 €
Ages 0–6 (ID necessary)        -
Ages 7–145,00 €
Car6,50 €
Motor­cycle5,00 €
Tent6,00 €
Cara­van6,50 €
RV8,50 €
Dog2,00 €
Cara­van with two people out­side of the camp­site, no electricity15,00 €
Elec­tri­city Kw/h per star­ted Kw/h0,60 €
Elec­tri­city Kw/h per­man­ent campers0,60 €
Meter Fee2,00 €
Meter Fee per­man­ent campers 1.11 + 1.52,00 €
Shower Coin0,80 €
Wash­ing Machine Coin3,50 €
Dry­er Coin2,50 €

Dis­abled people with 50% or more (ID neces­sary) pay half.

Per­man­ent Camper Fee

Sum­mer May 1st- Octo­ber 31st470.00 €
year-round Plots Novem­ber 1st + May 1st440.00 €
Winter Novem­ber 1st — April 30th440.00 €

Camp­ing near Sieben­quell Gesun­dZeitRe­sort Spa

Campers will find everything they need oppos­ite the entrance to the thermal bath. 15 pitches are avail­able, each equipped with a mod­ern ser­vice sta­tion offer­ing fresh water and elec­tri­city. Campers can enjoy the break­fast or din­ner at the hotel res­taur­ant Genus­sAllee for addi­tion­al charge.

  • 15 pitches (9x 4.5m)
  • Ser­vice sta­tion provid­ing fresh water and wastewa­ter disposal
  • elec­tri­city connection
  • Waste dis­pos­al avail­able on-site
  • 24 hour access to the park­ing lot
  • free Wifi
  • Guest pass with dis­counts for activ­it­ies in and around Weißenstadt

12 EUR per camper per night
+20 EUR secur­ity depos­it and resort tax

Find more inform­a­tion here

Wohnmobil Stellplatz Siebenquell Übersicht