Land­marked His­tor­ic­al Center

Modern Weißenstadt - historic Weißenstadt. The historical center of town is listed in its entirety because of its cultural and historic relevance to the city.

Marktplatz Weißenstadt

Lis­ted Ensemble Weißen­stadt
Enclos­ure: Garten­straße – Am Stadtg­raben – An der Stadtmauer

When Weißen­stadt offi­cially became a town in the middle of the 14th cen­tury, a ring wall and trench were added. Barely any parts of the wall are vis­ible today.
The few parts that are left can be found near Kapel­lengäßchen 21 and 23, Pfar­rgäßchen 3 and 5 and near Schloßgässchen 4. In 1823, Weißen­stadt was com­pletely des­troyed by fire. The gov­ern­ment ruled that the streets should be improved, but the found­a­tion walls should be reused wherever it was pos­sible. The planned city com­plex with Kirchen­lam­itzer Straße (serving as the mid­rib), and the extens­ive, rect­an­gu­lar town square did not ori­gin­ate in the recon­struc­tion. With­in the shield-shaped out­line how­ever, the streets appear rect­an­gu­lar. The late goth­ic church tower and con­tinu­ous rows of two-stor­ied houses main­tain the bie­der­mei­er style of the recon­struc­tion fol­low­ing the fire of 1823.

The count­less views over the extens­ive Fichtel­ge­birge land­scape are a defin­ing char­ac­ter­ist­ic of Weißen­stadt. The lis­ted ensemble includes the rows of barns near Am Ehren­hain and Kirchen­lam­itzer Straße.

Evan­gel­is­che Stadtkirche

Evan­gel­ic City Church
“St. Jako­bus”

The nave has a romanesque core. It has a late goth­ic chancel and tower. The nave and chancel were restruc­tured dur­ing the early 18th cen­tury and had to be restored after the great fire in 1823.

Grave­yard Church

Evang.-Luth. Gotte­sack­erkirche
Hei­lige Dre­ifaltigkeit (Holy Trinity)

Basic Struc­ture from the second half of the 16th cen­tury, remodeled 1707/1708.

Cath­ol­ic Church

Cath. Church St. Maria Immacu­lata
1934 nach Plän­en von Georg Ber­linger errichtet, mit Ausstattung.

The church was built accord­ing to Georg Berlinger’s plans in 1934.

Town For­ti­fic­a­tion

Only small parts of the late medi­ev­al city for­ti­fic­a­tion can still be seen today in the fol­low­ing loc­a­tions:
Kapel­lengäßchen 21 und 23
Pfar­rgäßchen 3 und 5
Schloßgäßchen 4

An der Stadtmauer

Ground Monu­ment Rudolfstein

Only one ground monu­ment is known with­in the Weißen­stadt area. The so-called “Burgstall Rudolf­stein” is loc­ated approx­im­ately 3,3 km/ 2.1 miles south-south-west­wards of Weißenstadt.