The Small Pema Museum

The Small Pema Museum, a museum for contemporary art, is a great cultural asset for Weißenstadt. Works by internationally renowned artists are shown, which otherwise can only seen in large museums.

Aussenansicht des PEMA kleinen Museum

The facade of The Small Pema Museum, designed by the Itali­an archi­tect, artist and design­er Mar­cello Morandini, already con­vinces with its unusu­al and at the same time simple and eleg­ant appear­ance. Inside the former post office build­ing, light and airy rooms have cre­ated to ensure a pleas­ant exhib­i­tion atmosphere.

In the foy­er of the museum the his­tor­ic­al devel­op­ment of the brands PEMA® (whole­meal spe­ci­al­it­ies) and Leu­poldt® (ginger­bread and sauce cake) is presen­ted. In the lec­ture room, which seats over fifty people, there is a per­man­ent exhib­i­tion of Mar­cello Morandini.

In the oth­er rooms, tem­por­ary exhib­i­tions take place twice a year. The works presen­ted here are res­ults of a con­cep­tion of art in which sim­pli­city, reduc­tion and con­cen­tra­tion on the essen­tial plan­ning a spe­cial role. The works of art sim­u­late inter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tions and make the Small Museum a place for con­tem­por­ary art and communication.

Fur­ther inform­a­tion is avail­able at: www​.kleines​mu​seum​-weis​sen​stadt​.de

The Small Museum — Cul­ture on the Pen­nt
Goeth­es­tr. 15
95163 Weißen­stadt
Phone: +49 (0) 9253 9546224

Open­ing hours:

Groups of 8+ people may call 09253 / 89–39
for addi­tion­al open­ing hours!